
September 6th - September 9th Marthas Vineyard
Director:  Billy Mahoney


Thursday September 6th:
Dinner - Take out pizza
Boycott Thursday Night Football... Eagles raising their Super Bowl Flag
Most Brothers arrived and night was mostly quiet except it was announced that Ernie would be only staying until Friday night due to a Hee Haw concert he promised others in his life on Saturday afternoon.   Evidently the Ferrys don’t run on Saturday mornings or afternoons.   Hmmmmmmm.
After a gourmet pizza take out dinner, some brother went out for a night cap, while others laid low and stayed in playing tiddly winks.
It was obvious that the Hot Tub was in use this evening as Coors Light cans were found sunk in the bottom of the hot tub... (see photo of Billy pointing out the mischevous cans to the guilty party).  Editors Note:  Why are we drinking Coors Light?

Friday September 7th:
Golf at Edgartown Golf - Thursday arrival of Brothers went out to golf at Edgartown Golf Club (Private) instead of waiting for the remainder of Brothers arriving at noon.   Nevermind blowing off brother Vineyard Jim for his opportunity of playing a round.

Rather, Vineyard Jim showed up at the house and surprised the Friday brother arrivals (including newly sworn in Tim and Mike).
As Jim arrived at the Mahoney mansion and greeted BHS ‘77 Brothers, brother Spanky took it upon himself to NOT sit and wait for our athletically challenged brothers to finish up chasing white balls, to ask Vineyard Jim to go for a boat ride around the Haaahbahhh.   Jim thought it was a great idea and off we went.

Jim proceeded to drive us to a home along Billionaires Row in Edgartown where he keeps his boat tied up on a special client of  his’ dock.   (a great deal!).   After a quick jaw dropping look at the $22M home, we proceeded down to the dock and through the boat house to his boat... only to be stopped by JIm to remind us to fill up our coolers with ice from the ice machince in the boat house before we proceeded.  Shit, really?   Wow.

So BHS ‘77 boards Vineyard Jim’s boat and after we finally figured out how to untie from the dock, we were on our way... or so we thought!
Shortly after starting the engine, and getting underway, Spanky called the BHS ‘77 brothers to the front of the boat for a group photo.  As soon as the four of us align for the photo-op, the engine dies.   Not fully understanding what is going on, Jim tells us that he has run out of gas.  What?   What the F is this?   Is this how to treat all your guests?   Well after a good round of ribbing, Jim called in to the Harbor Master for a tow to the dock gas tank.   30 minutes later, we were filling the tank.   Or so we thought.
You see, Jim has a 70 gallon tank and as the sweet gal was pumping gas, Jim was watching for any over spill, should it get to that point.  Well, the gal stopped pumping at 61 gallons....  9 gallons short of his max level.   What?   the gal and Jim finally summized that the missing 9 gallons WERE already in the tank and that he really did not run out of gas... its just that the F’n Fat BHS ‘77 brothers had overloaded the bow of the boat so much that the 9 gallons in the tank shifted away from the pump, choking the engine and thus the shutting the engine off!  Wait, what?   UGh.   What a way to start the 2018 ABC season!

Ernie joined us on the boat after playing 9 holes of golf and walking down to the pier from Billy’s mansion.
“Ernie, grab that bouy”

Spent the remainder of the afternoon at the Seafood Shanty sucking down beers and having appetizers. 

Went home to Gene’s prep & cooking (acrually Vineyard Jim cooked on the grill) chicken and salad and tomato salad as well.

Friday notable notes: 

Saturday September 8th
Great breakfast (again) prepared by Gene (again)
Fellas waited in line at the outdoor shower, although Billy reminded them that it is large enough for 2  (really?  Have you not notice the width of some of these guys?).  Anyway, no takers.

Packed the cahs for South Beach and were on our way for a day of sun and water.   Or so we thought.   It was overcast, so no sun.  It was windy, so not water.   But wait, then there’s Beluga Beach Bob who never missed an opportunity to get in a quick swim.  Yup, courageos Bob was the only one to take a dip in the shark/seal infested ocean.   Good job Bobby.

Editors Note:  You know your getting fat wide when the brothers have to pick and choose which vehicle to travel in based on the width of the vehicle.   For example, it was decided that no “skinny” guys are allowed to ride shotgun. 

Whilest Bob was enjoying the water, the rest of the boys sucked down some suds and enjoyed (once again) the great feast that Geeno put together.   Great burgers and dogs believe it or not.   Despite the wind and lack of sun, we ended up staying at South Beach for about 4 hours or so.   Too windy for whiffleball, tho.

Only real highlights were where to relieve ourselves out there in the open.   While a few of the boys found it more discrete to walk a bit away, most enjoyed the convenience of using the vehicles as a screen from wandering eyes, that is until we saw what our host was doing.  Seems that relieving himself while on all fours and his shorts down by his ankles was the “way we do it on the island” approach.... not so easy to do.   Gotta beleive it was not so easy, nevermind the splash factor.

So, while we decided to pack up, Billy thought it be nice to travel a bit down the beach toward Kennedy-town, I mean Mary-Jo’s, or better yet, Chappaquidick.   We went about 3 miles down the beach then turned around.   Meanwhile Daveys caahh and crew found the sand travel a bit dicey and chickened backed out from the tour.

Back at the house Gene’s dinner prep work (tenderloin steaks) were once again cooked to perfection by Vineyard Jim.   Damn, this was very good.
Spent a good amount of time shooting the breeze around the fire... great job Gut keeping it going.

Gut was later seen dropping trow for the benefit of the campfire guiys.   “Its a wonderful thing” was heard from EJ’s outer voice.  “He’s gotta get out more”... (his wife says).

Later in the night it was time to vote in our next years Director.   Unbeknownst to everyone, brother Dave has NEVER IN 40 PLUS F’N YEARS HAD EVER BEEN THE DIRECTOR.  Guess what?  And once Billly so tactfully pointed this out... Yup, Dave was voted in unanimously for 2019.   He gladly accepted.  So, we will see what Brother Dave has up his sleeve.

Spuff (another brother not heard from) brought up membership questions.  Seems he wants to know if he can invite his lover buddy in the future, and whether there was a cap or limit as to the number of members we should or could have.  Answer was not clear, as we really didn’t want to create a club-type of atmosphere with membership requirements and/or dues and/or rules and regulations.  So, where we left it?   Just bring the guy and we will see if we want him in.
Along those same lines, Brother Spanky as about allowing women to join us.   Hmmm, are we a sexist group?   Anyway, that sort of killed the discussion and Billy motioned to end the meeting.  Nuff said.

Most of the brothers took off for a local watering hole.  The other half stuck around the house.   The Bar Brothers made their way home around 2am only to wake (well, it was Billy who did this) the remaining brothers by yelling all around the house “I WON”.  Yup, you did.  Now shut the F up and go to bed.  Billy was later shocked when he burst into the upstairs bathroom (not sure why, nor are we to question why) surprising one of our newest brothers standing there in full urination mode.   Ahhhhh!  

Saturday notable notes: 

Sunday September 9th
No breakfast prep by Geeno.   I guess he deserves at least one day off.
Oh, have to mention Bobby picking up donuts was a good thing for breakfast.
Most of the brothers spent the morning cleaning up and preparing for thier ride home.   Clance left early to catch the Pats game
Called Brother Kenny in Chicago.  Well, he picked up the 2nd time we called.  Seems to have a problem with calls from one brother.  Nonetheless, he greatfully thanked all of us individually for calling on Sunday morning, instead of the usual Saturday night/early Sunday morning.  You’re welcome Kenny.

Remaining brothers stuck around to watch the
Pats game





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