We did it, and survived another year!

September 25, 26, & 27th 2015
Sunday River
Bethel Maine
Directors: Clance

Oh my. Readers Digest version... great time ONCE AGAIN. No casualties, Nobody took any clothes off and nobody got VD. Special thanks to Clance who let us use the families “cabins” in the woods. They weren’t cabins... they were 2 nice homes that were nicely settled in the rustic woods. Awesome.

Thursday 9/24: After stopping in Saco Maine for a bite to eat, Fitzy, Ernie, Clanga Gene and Clance made their way up to Bethel.

Friday 9/25: The Thursday crew went out to put in a round of gold, except Gene, who waited for the arrival of other campers.

While the foursome went out to shag some balls, Brothers Erik and Bob showed up next and met Gene at the clubhouse. Shortly thereafter Brothers Dave and Spuff (yes, Spuff) arrived. (Quick note: Good to see Spuff back in the fold)

Afterr downing a few brews, we headed to the cabin to settle in while the “athletes” finished their round.

At the homestead, a huge fire was constructed, dinner was served and hanging around the campfire seemed to be in store while we waited for our final Brothers to arrive. At around 9 pm Brothers Billy, Gut and Island Jim made their way into camp.

Again, a few rounds of beer, some good catching up to do and we settled in around midnight... not knowing our plans for the next day.

Saturday 9/26: Woke up early, Gene made an awesome breakfast. On the agenda, despite some reservations, was to downhill mountain bike. Argggggh. This might leave some marks.
Headed to Sunday River to bike.
Got our helmets fitted, signed our waivers and picked our our bikes... which all had extremely hard and pointed seats where, with the exception of the Irish Brothers in attendance, hurt like hell.

Made our way up the slopes. Up top we gathered our bikes and off we went... oh wait, couldn’t proceed withour mentioning Clance fell within the first 5 seconds. Ok, now we go down hill.

Pretty strait forward, minimal pedalling, but trying to avoid those huge loose rocks and roots and divots along the way. We made our way down the easy paths, with no injuries. We stopped a few times for photos and videos but all made it back to the lodge in one piece despite Island Jims attempt to cause major damage to us by selecting one final difficult past at the last moment. We still survived.

Down the bottom, we were happy to get it over with.... that is, until someone said we should do it again. ugh.

But, before the next run and game of impromptu field-goal football was in order. There was a goal post set up at the bottom of the slopes and Ernie, Dave, Erik and Clanga gave it a shot. Nobody was able to put the ball thru the uprights.
We then made a minor attempt at rugby. WE created a scrum, but that didn’t work. Do we thought we cound gang tackle Ernie. EJ tried to chop tackle him but Ernie stead tall and wouldn’t go down.

Ok, now back on the slopes... or so we thought.

So we get to the top of the mountain and someone decided that we should take a different route to the bottom. Long store short.... we ended up walking the bikes UP a lot more than riding down the hill. Further, after we made a “wrong” turn we ended up about 10 miles out of the way. We DID make it to some paved roads which made the ride home much easier, but we just didn’t make it all the way on our own.

So we decided to phone a friend. We called in the troops and here comes the calvary.... we took a ride home from Clanga and Billy who were at the bar and were kind enough to come pick us up.

Phew. cross that one off the bucket list.

That night we went out and got a bite to eat and had some beers at the Bethel Inn and some other dive.

Next year our Captains are Fitzy and Clanga and we are headed off the Georgia!





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