2012 Camping Weekend

The plans are to travel to Warrensburg, NY (255 miles) to Ridin’ Hy Ranch.
We met at Gene’s place in Braintree (CEOpticalBraintree.com) where we loaded into 2 vehicles for the trip.  Another car was coming up later tonight to bring the total “campers” to 10...

The players this weekend...
Fitzy, Gene, Ernie, Billy, Gut, Dave, Erik, Bob, Clanga and our newest camper... Jim from the Vineyard.  Welcome Jim!

Got to the ranch about 1 pm Friday and settled in to our A-frame Chalets.  We took advantage of the lunch (meals were (jncluded) where they served us sandwiches and/or meatloaf (only Gene was brave enough). The rest of us played it safe with the sandwiches.
After lunch we pulled out our coolers and played a little whiffleball, shot some baskets, and tried our hand at shuffleboard.  Fair to say we sucked at all 3. 
From there we decided to sit and enjoy the view of the lake (Sherman Lake) on their lounge chairs where we met Danielle from Montreal who has been going to the Ranch for over 30 years.  She and her daughter were there for the weekend.
Before we knew it, Danielle was yelling at Hoff (not THE Hoff, nor our own Huff) but a worker at the ranch who was the activities director.  She asked Hoff if he would take us around the lake on the pontoon boat.  So, off we went.... all of us and Danielle.
Now, this is a very small lake (‘bout the size of Sunset Lake in Braintree) and we were out there for about 2 hours... we probably made 20 long circular trips.  Nonetheless, the beverages were flowing and we were beginning to get into the “camping mode”.

We spent some time sitting on the decks of our chalets before getting some dinner on site.  Not sure what everyone had to eat but I had chicken cordon blue (sp?).  I think I had 2 servings.  Too long ago to remember.
During dinner, a gal came up to our table and told us that she and her friends had been coming here for a long time and that they had this tradition where they had each table, on queue, make some noise, sign a song and do something funny.  Well, we didn’t catch on despite the fact that we were one of the last tables to join in, especially hearing all the other tables before us sing the same stupid song/rant. 
Feeling bad (not really), we decided to do our own thing and before you know it, and after it was quiet for awhile, we did our thing, stood up and danced in unison.  Suffice it to say, the men from Boston had arrived.

After dinner, we spend more time on our decks enjoying the sunset (well, not really) and continuing with our beverages until we were told that there was a Rodeo being held and that we should go and view.  So off we went.
I’m not sure why we did this as all they did was drug up this little calf, tell him to run his ass off when the gate opens, and then these huge horses with wannabe cowboy/girls sprinted after it and tried to sling a rope and choke it to death.  I think I saw 3 or 4 of these before I realized not only was this not fun but that my slight buzz was being taken away because of what I was seeing.  Not good.

So we left and went back to what we do best.  Any guesses here?

Oh, Billy, Gut and Vineyard Jim arrived around 9 pm.  After welcoming them, we moved on to experience another chapter of ABC.

Got to the bar where we watched a pretty cool band play cowboy music.  Great ending to a looooooong day.


Got up early and got a bit to eat at their breakfast.  Pretty good options for food.  Billy went for a quick run and Vineyard Jim went for an early Horsey ride.  The rest of us... we just ate.

It was decided by our 2012 ABC Director Fitzy that we were going on a Pontoon boat ride around Lake George.
What a great call.  We spent 3 hours cruising the gorgeous lake.  Of course we brought along food and beverages.
We also had the opportunity to spend some time swimming where we would guess that the water temps had to be around 70 degrees!  Really nice and refreshing.

Gut was our boat captain (Cheswick from Coo Coo’s Nest).  He sucked.  He was always trying to get us soaked.
One of the 2 funniest things was when a couple of campers lost their hats in the wind... we had to figure out where they went and how to navigate to get them back.

We saw a huge and fantastic hotel on the island... The Saratoga Resort.

We got off the boat around 3 pm and Fitzy then recommended that we visit the Saratoga.  Great idea.
We visited their outside/lake side bar and witnessed a great wedding.

After getting flipped off by 2 jealous boys at the wedding, we moved on back to the Ridin’ Hy Ranch.

Whew.  (its not over yet).

We went to dinner at the ranch then nappy-poo and off again to the bar.

Another great band tonight.  Spent time shooting the breeze with the other campers and also some friends we met.

Here’s where my mind goes blank.  Sorry folks, story ends here.  If you want to know what goes on during our ABC Saturday nights, well, you just gotta join us.  We’ve signed a non disclosure agreement and well, its just gotta be what it is.  Sorry.

Suffice it to say, the bar closes at 4am.  I’m just sayin’.

Thanks Fitzy for your planning and Bob for the photos.

Other important news... Ernie is our 2013 Director.

And now, the photos...


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