The following is an account of things that happened over the past 3 days in NH.  We, upfront, apologize to any children, wives, husbands (Gerry), relatives, cats, dogs, gerbils (Billy) and more importantly and ABC brothers who may or may not seemingly get satirically castrated in the following commentary.  And, if it is obvious that one brother (me) doesn’t take the brunt of the virtual abuse... hey, get your own Friggin’ web site.

Anyway, here goes...
Friday 9/27
Arrived at the Anchorage (Trapp House) mid day to check in, run around and scramble for bedrooms, before one of us gets stuck with those other brothers who now have to wear those “gas masks” for sleep apnea.  (Hey, it happens).
Nonetheless, knowing the above mentioned concern for beds, we all scrambled for the elegant suites on the 2nd floor... leaving those who arrived late to settle for the lesser, concentration-camp like bunks on the porch.  
So, after settling in and then seeing Gut and Billy (with Vineyard Jim and Davey) arrive late and having to squeeze into the porch bed areas, Billy took offense and ran upstairs and srambled all our gear throughout.  Nice call, but we caught wind and were able to fix the issue before crawling into bed after a serious buzz later in the night... and having to put on someone elses gas mask gear.

Phew... more later guys, as I try to clear my brain from lack of sleep... (1 hour later)

Most of us golfed at Lochmere, which was great.  Great weather not so great golf.  The other brothers took off and get things ready for Dinner and adult beverages.  Did I mention beverages.
Anyway, the course was in great shape and the round went relatively fast... no waiting, unless you count Clance’s time lining up every shot, and verbally abusing yours truly on how well, or not, I shot.  Quite often I would hear him speak of my game (or lack thereof)... .“Hello, I’m right here.. I can hear you”...  Know your audience.  Too funny, because I would kinda/sorta fuck up a shot just to pee him off... and ultimately lose the hole to Fitzy and Clanga... who, by the way played very well.

Anway, back to the house where Chef Gene prepared a phenominal beef and lamp skewered meal.  We had a rough time getting the grill started, but once it was the food was great.
In the meantime, Vineyard Jim was well on his way pulling his weight in becoming Rookie of the Year by building a great fire for us... I mean this guy really knows what he’s doing. 
The night ended by sitting around the fire, trying to outdo each other with horror stories from the past trips.

Saturday 9/28
Day began by having Ernie cook breakfast... a huge heaping of burnt (but great) bacon and eggs.
After stuffing our faces, we headed over to Gunstock Mountain in Gilford for some Ziplining and Segway riding.

After fitting us with gear... lots of 2 XL’s, we lined up at the bunny run to test out the size of our balls to see if we can stomach things.

There are 3 zip line runs... all very steep and long.  The 2nd one was the one that tested our scrotums.  Meaning, it was the longest and highest.  Got some great photos... see below.

Great time.  Thanks Clance (and Ernie) for setting this up.

Next was Segways... oh, before I forget, in between tasks, we got a bite to eat but before that and on the way to the cafe, Spanky commented on an older lady on crutches... and said “sorry bout your injury... did you get that from the Segway tour?”  She mumbled an answer that was not heard, but probable went along the lines of “Shut the F up, can’t you see that I only have 1 F’n leg?”.  Ugh...
I guess he didn’t.... Oops... egg on face.

The brothers like that one.  Stupid Fuck.

Ok, onto the Segway.   After a 15 minute (you have to watch this before you even attempt to use our toys) video, we moved on to the “training” course.  It should be noted that dispite the fact that these toys are actually fun, it does take some coordination and time to get yourself used to the mechanics.   Trying to show off in front of Gut, who smartly decided NOT to participate due to hemmaroids, Spanky took one of his famous (I really don’t know what I’m doing) falls... claiming Gut stuck out his foot and tripped him.  All in all, Gut gave him a 8.5 score on his dismount.   Phew...

The Segway tour was really fun, going through the woods on an old cross country skiing trail.  We stopped for photos and some education from Ra-oohle, and after 5 or 6 miles or so, headed back to the ranch.  Good time... thanks Clance (and Ernie).

A couple of guys went back to the Trapp Lodge and get dinner ready, only to have the rest of us hit the local bar for a couple (well, actually a lot) of cold ones.  Here is where my memory (selectively) fades in and out.  I will only report here what I can recall... remember, it is MY web site... to report the actual events (or not), click here... (a link to “Here’s a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares”)

All I can say is that the bar was great... a sandy floored place along the water in the Weirs Beach area.  We ended up near the 1 person band shooting the breeze with a couple that boated in from Alton Bay and watching Gut do his best “I Need to be on Dancing with the Stars” soon interpretation.  Gotta tell ya.. this boy can move.  I, on the other hand, in my best effort to protect my delicate knees (and ego) decided to refrain.

Once they realized that they had a awful long boat ride to Alton Bay ahead of them, they took off... to which, knowing the history of having us together at a drinking establishment and almost noone left to talk to... I said “almost”.

No problem, we sent Billy and Gut on a mission.  Once again, they succeeded.

Lunch time.... need a brain break.  More in a minute.   (actually, took about a hour)

Half of our crew left at this point and just a couple of us stayed to mop up.

Gut and Billy approached (and we think, scared them a bit) a table of 3 couples from the North Shore and Lower NH area away for weekend.  They were nice... even nicer after we bought them drinks.

Spent about 2 hours shooting the breeze with them and then realized that we were missing the best part of Saturday nights at ABC... the Dinner by Chef Gene.  Shit.
We rushed home to find that our meal was cold and almost depleted... as we should have expected.  Nonetheless, it was great!  Thanks Gene!

After the meal we proceeded to the campfire to remenise about the weekend and also to vote for next nears leadership team.  A lot of us had ideas as who we wanted to vote for but by an overwhelming margin, Bob was selected.  Not sure Bob was up for this, nor what he is expected to do, but he gave his acceptance speech as eloquently as he could or should.  “I will make sure the beer is plentiful and free”. 

Short and to the point, I guess.

We then, with the good news, proceeded to call Chicago Kenny and (1) wake him up and (2) see what he was wearing.  2 things... we did not wake him up and 2, he refused to share what he was wearing....  We brought him up good.

Typically at this time of night, we take a poll to see who wants to go out clubbing.... and quite a few of us did, but being that we are on the back 9 nine in our life cycle, we forgot about 2 minutes later and it never came up again.

At this point in the blog (and it is my lyrical right to do so) I refuse/forget what else happened and will stop here.

We woke up Sunday, tried to remove the cob webs, cleaned the house, went out to breakfast at Deja Vu and headed home.

Nice weekend, nice weather, nice group of friends... lets do it again next year!



We attempt to describe/disclose, for purposes of satirical and comedic editorial content, as much as we can regarding events experienced or not, over the past, present or future as members of ABC(d).  And, as editors of this site and as much as we can allowably publish without putting ourselves, our families, our bodies, our reputations, our pets, our money, our past acquaintances, our jobs, our vehicles, our doctors, our future children and our parents at risk.  

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3.  WE USE SOME STRONG LANGUAGE. We have employed in certain parts of this site language which might be upsetting to some and which some consider unsuitable for children. (Even though most kids would not only be manifestly familiar with the language used here, they're probably more comfortable with and adept at using the terms than you.)

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