Friday October 17th, Saturday September 29th
Mahoney Palace
Edgartown, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

Director:   Clance       Chef:  Gene (who else!)  

 Cliff notes for 2008:

Cast of Characters:  EJ, Bob, Ernie, Fitzy, Spuff, Gut, Billy, Clance, Dave, Clanga, Geno
Jonny (had a boo boo), Gerry (had a cold), Ken (had the clap)CAMERA2
Excused: Ricky

Golf at the exclusive Black Rock Country Club in Hingham, MA (courtesy of Mr. Mahoney).
But, before we begin, the fun began at 7:45 am in Rockland, MA.   It is here where “new brother” Connolly unveiled his “man-purse”, or “man tent”, or “draperies” or “whatever you want to call it” upon the brotherhood.  As we were loading brother Ernies vehicle to travel to Black Rock CC, we see brother Bob struggling to unload this huge conglomeration from his car and struggle to carry it to Ernies vehicle.  We thought it may be some sort of road kill devise, but soon to realize that brother Bob was bringing his “sleep-wear” apparel.  We wondered how he got this out of his house (never-mind the neighborhood).

Oh well.  Off we went.

Met the “team” at Black Rock.  Beautiful place, awesome golf course.

After golf, we had a great round of beer in the clubhouse and then off to the Cape.  (oh, Gut shot an 82 and got the best score)

Took the ferry to Martha’s Vineyard and then proceeded to hit the bar scene.
We first went to a local small bar (name unkown) where we chilled out over beer and pool.  Met a couple at the bar from western Mass. who have a place on the Vineyard.  Seemed nice, but not exciting enough for us...

We got tired of that place (really uneventful and boring), so we went a bit up the block to Sharkey’s.  We continued to unwind here over a couple of appetizers and more beer.  Here we met a Rusky named Simon who pulled off a fake Russian accent very well.  He was on his was home from work as a groundskeeper at a local golf club.
We also met a couple of ladies at the bar (a school teacher in town and an owner of a landscaping business on the island).  We found out a while later that brother Fitzy knew one of the ladies and her husband as they all went on an insurance junket years ago.  Small world.  F’n Fitzy knows everybody.

We got tired of this place and went to see The Mahoney Palace in Edgartown.  After settling in to all the accommodations, we proceeded to go out again to a couple of more drinking establishments.  We ended up at Sharkey’s (same name, different location) where we all got a bite to eat.  We met Jim Joyce (Billy’s friend on the island, and a RE Broker) and ate and drank.

I have to not here that we had a gargantuan waitress waiting on us.  She had to be 6’ 1” and 250 lbs.  geez.  (not that there’s anything wrong with that.  I mean, at quick glance she could have passed for one of us!  That is, except for the makeup and lipstick.... well, sorry, I was thinking of Gerry here).

After piggin out (and making sure Fitzy was happy with what he wanted to eat.... oh, let me explain...  Fitzy ordered chicken something and complained that it smelled like fish or rotten petunias.  Turns out HE WAS RIGHT.  His “chicken” was not from the heartland of the USA but rather from, well to be polically correct, from the other side of the tracks... meaning, Roxbury.  He got dark chicken meat and it was a bit ripe.   So, they replaced it with some steak thing.

When we got the bill, we somehow lobbied a couple of free tee-shirts out the deal and Ernie and Erik got to keep them.  On the front of the shirts if says “Lime Disease” with an image of a lime.

Wait, Friday is not over yet.

We made a quick trip to the Mahoney residents to “drop off”, “tuck in”, “let go” a couple of brothers so they could get their beauty rest.  It so happens that they both were LAWYERS in our group... not that this has anything to do with it.

We then went to a seedy bar a bit uptown... called David Ryans.  Here we stayed about an hour or so, and were met with a whole bunch of lesbians.  (not that there is anything wrong with that).  But, they were ugly lesbians.  I thought there was an unwritten rule amongst the lesbo’s that at least one of them had to be hot looking.  Maybe it doesn’t apply to bars in the off season.  Where do they all go?
Anyway, we befriended (not really, but one was really ugly and we think she ran out of money so she “hugged” up to us to see if we would support her alcoholism).  We did.
Her “friend” was extremely drunk and although we were polite and did not physically abuse her we did our darndest to have fun and get her to engage in conversation with us.   It didn’t work.  She would open her mouth and attempt to speak but only primary sounds would come out.  Ok, perhaps she lost her tongue in a tractor accident?  Nope, I looked in there and she had one.  I just think she was really dead to the world and just couldn’t speak.  I even tried a little Espanol on her and nah, it just wouldn’t register.

We left that place and got home around 1:15 am.

Wow, Fridays over!


Cast of Characters: 
EJ, Bob, Ernie, Fitzy, Gut, Billy, Clance, Dave, Clanga, Geno, (Spuff did not make the trip)

Farmneck Golf   (EJ, Bob, Fitzy, Gut, Billy, Dave, Clanga, Jim Joyce
Great round of golf, a bit nippy and windy but fun.  Gut shot a 78 (and rumored to have downed a 5th of Brandy as well)
Lunch and drinks at Farmneck
The non-golf boys joined us for lunch and drinks at the clubhouse.  Great food and beer.

For those who did not golf today:  Clanga, Ernie, Gene -  Not sure what they did while we golfed, but I suppose they took the “SUV” out for a spin
A tour of the island... While others caught up on their sleep, Uncle Billy took us out on his REAL SUV to South Beach where we let some air out of the tires and took a trip on the dunes.  Pretty neat.
Afterwards, we hit a small local bar in Edgartown to ward off the cobwebs from the night before.  Not too exciting of a place, but the beer was plentiful and cold.
Dinner.... another (really?) great meal by Gene (and I think Clanga).  We ate steak, swordfish, asparagrass, salad, garlic bread

RED SOX - Saw the Sox game after dinner at the Mahoney Palace.
Hot tubbin’- some of the boys went tubbin’ before dinner, but it looked very crowded (go figure).
Ernies “bobbin’ and weavin’ - Ernie couldn’t shake the cobwebs from the night before and was dozing off during the game so a couple of fellas tried to throw candy into his mouth to keep him from snoring.  Didn’t make it.

geez, where do I begin.
We hit the local club scene on the outskirts of town and it was packed!  We could barely get into the place as it was wall to wall people.  Or, should I say, old guys with young girls. 
There was a band playing which sounded pretty good.
Fitzy was trying to pick up this (nice) huge black lady by grabbing her hand while she sat and watched the band, but she soon realized he was married, so he introduced Erik to her, where she immediately grabbed my hand and did not see a ring and started to get friendly.  Ahhh, I don’t think so.  That scene has long left me.

Over in the corner it was reported that this couple were mugging each other and Clance tells us that the guy was grabbing her cooochie and she slugged him.  Cool, I wish we got that on film.

Another couple we were watching all night was Adrian and “Skippy”.  They were sitting right next to where we were standing and they kept on arguing all night long.   Every once in awhile Skippy would put on his tweed coat and leave.  One time after he left, she noticed that she had lost an earring and Mr. Detective Fitzy jumped at the opportunity and began to look for it with her.  Well, no need to sound the alarm, but it took about 30 seconds for all of us to jump in and help the damsele in distress.  It was just an opportunity to meet her and maybe find her earring.

I should note here that there was an act of barbarianism that one of our brothers did which could have ruined the entire evening.  (thank God she was drunk and forgot the episode 10 seconds later).
Dave, in his super sleuth disguise got on his hands and knees and thought the jewelry might have bounced up her dress because he immediately got in front of her and took a peek at her woman-hood.  What he didn’t realize was that she was watching him the entire time, and ran off right after she bagged him.   Geez, couldn’t you have been a bit more discreet?

We never did find the earring, but a little bit later and after Skippy skipped out again, brother EJ sat down next to Adrian and started talking to her.   He reportedly told her to get rid of the guy and feel free to give him a slap as we had about 10 guys here to help her out. 

It was then that EJ labeled him “Skippy” which she thought was hilarious.  When Skippy returned he was not happy to see another guy at his girlfriends table and when he introduced himself, EJ said he couldn’t hear him say his name so he kept calling him Skippy.  This really pissed him off!  (really?)
Anyway, Adrian and Skippy were nice to talk to and we closed the bar around 1 am.

When we returned to the homestead (and seemingly awaken the brothers who did not attend the bar scene:  Bob and Gene.
We shortly got a campfire going in the backyard and begun the voting process for next year.   After a few discussions it was decided that one of the nominees would be Fitzy.  And after a brief speech, Fitzy accepted the nominations.

We voted and unanimously approved Fitzy as our 2009 ABC leader.
Sunday October 19th
Breakfast and pack-up for the trip back...
We ate breakfast at a very small cafe in Edgartown center and returned to pack the bags for the return trip.
The ferry was relatively uneventful except for Bob’s Manpurse, which consumed a couple of seats in itself.



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